Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat.
-Jean-Paul Sartre --French existentialist philosopher and writer, 1905-1980

Story From Boat and Be Damned

Hi all! Thought I would share some more of my favorite book  Boat and Be Damned
I find it to still be one of the funniest boating books I have ever read & because this book is so hard to come by, I like sharing it with you:

From the Chapter Nautical Dictionary

Abaft: This word is taken from "aft", which means "behind." When one point is further aft than another, it is said to be abaft, or "behind'"  Thus, a typical usage:
"Get your big fat abaft off my sandwiches!"

Aloft: Upstairs, when you're down below.

Amidships: Anything located in the middle of the boat between "fore" & "aft" or "bow" & "stern"
A good sailor would say, "Meet me at midnight behind the big ventilator amidships, baby!"
A landlubber would say, "See ya later alligator, just behind the ventilator!"

Below: Downstairs on any boat

Bilge: The section of the boat that collects all manner of leakage through the hull, including rainwater, motor oil and overturned cans of beer

Bow: The part of the boat usually called the "front" by landlubbers. Some fancy mariners call the bow by still another name, the "fore". This makes the whole business sort of complicated, especially for golfers

I will be back later with more dictionary terms from Boat & Be Damned
Have a great day

Old Times

I had come across some old pictures and found one of our first boat, way back in the 70's....I believe its a 1978 24' Sea Ray.
         We took a lot of family voyages in that boat. After only one summer, our family bought a larger boat. A 32'Searay. That was a fun boat, quick little thing. Have some great stories about that one. Been scared many times on that boat, thats for sure.

Chat at ya all later, have a great day!

New Navy Ship in at Port

A new Navy ship pulled in the other day. Looks like a Destroyer Escort type ship. There sure has been a lot of hub bub around the Navy base lately. We can always tell when somethings up in the military, the gates at the base are harder to get in. We watch military guards search trucks visually and with mirrors. The drivers have to open their hoods and trunks or the back of their trucks. When the Alert level goes up in the country, the line to get in the base gets really long because of the time it takes them to search each an every vehicle.
Well, the Farmers Market is off with a bang. Tons of people all around the marina, lots of booths with tons of great fresh food.
This weekend is the Everett Sorticulture event at Legion Park.
If you ever want to take a Free tour of the Port they are offering that once again this Spring & Summer. Reservations are required so call  425-257-8304
June 24 thru Aug 29 is the Summer Concert series at the east end of the Prom, in front of Lombardis.
July 1st- Sept 6th Jetty Island Days  Go here to see the events there
4th of July Is the Everett Colors of Freedom Festival & Fireworks  for more info
Another fun day is the BBQ for Marina Customer Appreciation That is on the 22nd of July
Sept 18-19 is the COHO Salmon Derby
I will post again soon! Have a great watery day!

More on the News at the Marina

Good Day All Boaters, liveaboards, friends of water!
First off, did you see that bad call at last nights baseball game?! Ruined the Tigers perfect pitch game. That play was clearly called wrong, he was OUT! Oh well, thats why we still love baseball, not a bunch of technical crud always mucking it up. Just take whats caled. Now the league is talking about using replays to make calls like this one. Huh, do we really want to create more red tape yet in another American Icon?
Well, I read over the rest of the marina news and will pass it on to you.

Monthly News continued....
The Port Commission is moving its meetings from 9am to 5pm. This was prompted by the discussions to have the meetings at a time when more public will be able to attend.
The new Port building that will be opening in 2011 has leased a few spaces out, newest to sign leases are B&B & Tom's Marine Electrical

Schedule of Events
  • The tall ships will be here thru today the 3rd. If you want to tour them or take pictures, get down here soon!
  • The Everett Farmers Market runs May 30th to Sept. 26th   11am-4pm Sundays
  • Saturday June 5th there is an all day public meeting about the Collins Building
  • June 11th -13th Sorticulture, Garden Art Festival at Legion Park just approx. 1 mile north of the marina
  • June 17th -24th Sound Experience, "Adventuress"  South Visitor Dock
  • June 19th & 20th  Jetty Jam (See above at picture)

The newsletter has a couple interesting facts to encourage recycling:

Americans throw away enough aluminum every month to rebuild the entire commercial airfleet

Americans use 100 million tin and steel cans every day. It takes 80-100 years for an aluminum can to decompose.

Each year Americans toss 25,000,000,000 Styrofoam cups (thats enough to circle the earth 436 times)

I have a couple more blogs that both deal with recycling. One is for recycling eyeglasses by donating them to help the needy. The other is to recycle cellphones, & a large portion of proceeds goes to help protect the planet thru the Sierra Club You can see them via their links here:
Those in Favor Say "EYE"-Eyeglass donation
Recycle Cellphones-Join Sierra Club

Well I will be leaving you for the day, have a great one on the water!

Well, still raining so I'll read the marina Newsletter

Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain! At least it gave up a bit so I could go watch my twin 8 year old nephews play their last baseball game of the season. Baseball really truly is an American icon. I love it!
Anyway, the marina newletter came in the mail today.
Let me see what they have to say:
The Port of Everett is going to give five tours of the Port waterfront. They will host 75 guests aboard a ferry while providing info on topics such as, international trade, property development, marina facilities etc. Three of the tours will be expanded. The ferry will board at the 10th street boat launch. To sign up, find out dates,  Call  425-257-8304
 Picture of 10th Street Public Boat Launch

Also, the Marina Director is quitting and we will have Scott Grindy step into her place.

Heres a cool one: First ever Jetty Jam. Kiteboarding and Paddleboarding Festival on Jetty Island June 19 & 20th. That sounds like a great time!

                                       Jetty Island in background

May 1st the new moorage rates went into effect

I will go over the rest of this newsletter and let you know what other goodies it has hiding inside.
Have a great day boaters, liveaboards & friends!

Memorial Day is Upon us!

Good day all! I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Here the weather was terrible, at least for boating. Not one boat left the dock this weekend.
The Farmers Market started this Sunday in the east parking lot area of the marina. Lots of great stuff and organic fruits and veggies at great prices. The fisherman are also selling their catches at the guest dock at the west end of the moorage.
The Lady Washington and her sailing mate,(of which I do not know the name), were on hand here at the marina all weekend. They are still moored out at the guest dock. They were offering tours of the sailing ships. They are so beautiful
This is taken looking north west from the promenade

I should have taken the tour but just didn't get around to it this time around.
If you want more info on what is going on here at the marina you can go to their website link here Port of Everett
Enjoy your day everyone and I will talk with you later!
 Here is a book about The Lady Washington
And heres a 25" Wooden model of the Lady Washington