Well, I decided to share another chapter from the Boat and be Damned
Chapter One: Our Midwestern Mariners
On a dark and stormy night on the shores of the Texas sea, a brave band of mariners set sail in their paleozoic packets for the distant shores of Nevada.
Crazy? Don't leave the cabin, mates! I'll throw every manjack of you in irons unless you hear me out!
Scientists claim that there were navigators in Nevada sailors in Sioux City, mariners in Missouri as far back as 2500 B.C.C (Before Chris Crafts).
Where modern man now digs for gold, silver and copper, our ancient relatives once dug clams, prairie oysters and Montana mussels.
Vast ranges of the midwest were once uncharted seas, complete with primitive seaweed, primeval mackeral, prehistoric fish stories and antediluvian beach clubs.
Archaeological discoveries prove that pithecanthropic commodores once sailed our ancient inland oceans.
In a remote corner of the Mojave Desert the ruins of a Stone Age building caught the eye of an investigating scientist. In and around the archaic edifice there was a profusion of crude bottles, urns, flagons and casks, undoubtedly used for the consumption of liquids. Clear evidence of an aboriginal yacht club.
Further search erased all doubt when a parchment scroll turned out to be a hieroglyphic bar bill, made out to a certain Mr. J. Morton Ogg, a member who owed the club some seventy-five clams for a quantity of grog he had not paid for.
The call of the wild blue sea has always tugged at the heart of man, despite the fact that he may hear that call while swatting flies in the unchartered sands of a blistering desert. The historical trek to our West took multitudes of able-bodied seamen into the craggy hinterlands. Such a man was Herman K. Vermin.
When Horace Greeley mouthed his famous quotation, he was overheard by Vermin, who happened to be slightly deaf, but was anxious for a change. Vermin had left his ear trumpet home that day, which led him to believe Greeley said, "Row west, young man!" Thus, the youthful Vermin began at once to construct a wagon complete with mainmast, jibs and flying spinnakers.
"Oh look!" shouted the crowd invited to the launching. "Her man's invented a prairie schooner!"
And from that day to this, the prairie schooner has become a symbol of mans indomitable courage, fortitude and bad driving.
----End------- more tomorrow.
Have a great day all!b