Glad to see you back. It really is very quiet around here today. Everyone is coming in from opening day and they looked tired. It always is more draining boating in rainy weather. I haven't seen one person wash their boat down when they came in. They are docking, packing and gone. Headed home to get ready for the week ahead I guess. Not many people about at the marina either. It always is nice and quiet here when it rains. But I do look forward to warmer, dryer weather. It's a lot of fun around here in the summer. Always someone milling about. It's nice to know if you're bored, there is always someone who will talk to you along the prom. The restaurant down the way "Lombardis" has live music play every Thursday evening outside on the wharf at the east end of the promenade. It is usually a new band every week.
Then there are many events down here at the marina all summer long. A big artist festival in September or August. You can find several interesting types of art there. Many with some type of tie in to the nautical or marine theme. But enough of this, I have to share more of the Binnacle story with you. If you haven't been following the story just go to the First Boat Be Damned
------Start Binnacles--------
"Binnacle," said Chester, eyeing his wife for a sign. Emma was gazing forward, lost in the area of the tiny galley. Her face wore the look he always associated with deep decision. She was staring at the boat in the same way she had stared at the coffee in the window of Whackerman's Furniture Store, a few seconds before they went inside to purchase it. She was weighing the boar favorably, the way she looked when out buying him a suit or new underwear. "What do you say, Emma?"
"Pretty curtains," said Emma.
"We'll take it," said Chester
And take it, they did.
And taken, they were.
But, for the full season, the Binnacles sailed the Flying Fratricide on many a joyful trip, despite the occasional lapses of the great Bragenthamer motors ( $123.65 for adjusting the carburator, reboring the valves and rewiring the ignition), despite the strange crumbling of the forward bulkheads ($76.54 for plywood restoration of dry rotted original panels), despite the general inefficiency of the galley ( $87.23 for replacement of chrome valves, counter, faucets and barometer), and the sudden breakdown of the electrical circuits ( $ 165.50 for rewiring interior lighting system and repairing electric horn, windshield wipers and battery circuits), plus a few minor repairs in the hull, bilge, propeller shaft and dinghy.
Mr. & Mrs. Chester Binnacle took these minor disasters sportingly, since Emma Binnacle found the Flying Fratricide a pleasant change from her household monotony. Indeed, it was Emma herself who decided to sell their craft the following year so they could buy a better boat.
Accordingly, on one bright spring morning, the Binnacles stood at the dock, awaiting any customers who might have seen their advertisement in last nights newspaper.
And, finally, a man and wife approached the dock. And Chester Binnacle stepped forward, dressed in mariner's garb, complete with brass buttons and a rakish peaked cap.
"About that boat in your ad," the customer said. "The old lady's boat?"
"You are referring to my aunt, poor old Mrs. Chickamiddy," said Chester Binnacle reverantly, removing his hat and lowering his eyes. "Wonderful woman, Mrs. Chickamiddy, direct descendant of Rear Admiral Gregory Q. Chickamiddy of the Third Baltic Fleet. You know the name, of course. Admiral Greg, or 'Old Pork Rind' they used to call him, because he defeated the Spanish in Higgle's Cove while eating a pork sandwich...........
That is the end of that chapter
I think I will share another one with you also. The stories just get funnier. Probably because it's easy to relate to. I will have to look them over and see which one I would like to share.
So for now, you all have a great day!