Well, I am going to get right down to business and share more of the Binnacles story:
"Seaworthy," said Smiling Sam. "Smooth. Built. Sturdy. Tight. Powerful. Dependable. Loyal. Trustworthy. True."
"How much cash would she need?" Chester Binnacle ventured.
"Let's worry about that later," Smiling Sam boomed heartily. Right now I want you two nice people to come aboard and let me show you her features."
He helped them aboard and let Chester stand at the wheel and touch the controls. Then Smiling Sam opened the cabin and allowed Emma to observe the nautical niceties of the Flying Fratricide, pointing out such important features as the colorful reading lamps made of genuine cockle shells, the chrome galley, complete with a chrome stove ( that sadly needed new chrome valves), a chrome counter ( that leaked into the chrome icebox underneath), the chrome faucets (that would drip forever unless they were repaired), the chrome barameter ( that would never work until the insides were replaced).
"Chrome, chrome on the range," said Chester brightly. "Let's have a look at her engines, shall we?"
Smiling Sam pulled back the engine hatch with a touch of honest pride. "Twin Bragenthamers," he said. "Best marine motors ever invented. You familiar with the name, Mr. Finicular?"
"Binnacle," said Chester, looking wise. His entire experience with motors was limited to the adjustment of an occasional balky carburator in the family car. Yet, he was aware that the Bragenthamer name was well known in the engine field, and could remember hearing the slogan on tv and reading it in the ads: "FOR GET UP AND GO go BRAGENTHAMER!" He was almost willing to accept the engine as perfect but realized only a fool would buy a boat on the basis of the name on the motor.
"Suppose we rev her up a bit?" He asked boldly. "She looks good, but I'd like to hear her sing."
Smiling Sam then started the engines, taking great care to hold the choke at a certain pinpoint marking to avoid sputtering and spitting.
"A bit noisy, isn't it?" Emma asked.
"A Bragenthamer noisy? Never! said Smiling Sam, overjoyed at the expected question because it gave him the opportunity to close the engine hatch and kill some of the din while hiding the inefficient carburator
from his customers' eyes. "Every engine in the worl sounds noisy with the hatch open, freinds. Notice how she purrs now? That's power for you, that's the hidden, secret thrust of the mighty Bragenthamer motors, the powerful muscles that carry you through every emergency. A Bragenthamer is loyal, trustworthy, dependable and true. A Bragenthamer is-well- it's a Bragenthamer. You want to pay cash, or buy it on time, Mr. Follicle?"
________STOP______________ until tomorrow, have a great weekend!