It's pretty cute.
The Ten Commandments of Boating Guests
1. HONOR thy Captain at all times.
2. TREAD not on his deck in hard shoes. Instead, garb they feet in soft sneakers, so that ye scuff not the deck, paint or varnish.
3. SMOKE NOT thy cigarettes, pipes or cigars while ye Captain warmeth thy motor. Such behavior is likely to make ye Captain explode. Also ye boat itself.
4. SMOKE NOT thy cigarettes, pipes or cigars while ye Captain take aboard fuel for his engine. Such behavior is likely to make all explode, including ye gasoline station.
5. OFFER THYSELF for duty when food is prepared in ye galley, also when dishes are washed, pots scrubbed and Galley cleansed. He who sits and watches at sea will certainly sit and watch ashore-for ye Captain will not bid him welcome again.
6. OFFER NOT thy suggestions for navigating the craft. Such words from a guest are like cacklings of ye gull to ye Captain, who will no doubt turn wrathfully and give thee the bird.
7. DROP NOT upon ye deck such things as: cigarette ashes, beer cans, stale sandwiches, stale bait or fresh caught fishes.
8. SPIT NOT ever to windward-for such behavior shall return to plague thee.
9. EMPTY NOT thy stomach upon the deck when sickness strikes ye. Instead, bend ye thy head well over to leeward and contribute thy bile to the sea. Ye Captain wishes none of it.
10. HURRY NOT away from ye boat after ye voyage is finished. Instead, remain to aid ye Captain in polishing ye deck, washing ye craft and scrubbing down all manner of salt and dirtiness. For this effort they Captain will bless thee. Without this effort, thy Captain will damn thee from his craft forever.
Hope you enjoyed! Good day everyone!