Anyway I want to continue sharing more of the Boat Be Damned Book, so if you have forgotten where I left off, just review yesterdays blog and get all caught up.......ENJOY!
"You sound like a salesman for a Carribbean cruise," said Emma Binnacle.
"Why the overpowering urge for the nautical life?"
"It's in my blood," Chester said. "I've always loved the sea, the lure of deep blue water, the tug of the tide. It's something that's been growing in me since boyhood."
"Your boyhood was spent in Cactus Flats, Nevada."
"That doesn't mean a thing. My grandfather's to blame, really."
"Your grandfather was a grocer in Dry Creek, Texas."
"But he loved sardines," Chester said stubbornly. "He was a fisherman underneath it all, a frustrated sailor. He tried to join the Navy during the Mexican intervention. It broke his heart when they decided to fight Pancho Villa in the mountains."
Chester read the advertisement aloud, nibbling at the words as though each syllable were a tasty tidbit, mouthing the marine phrases slowly so that Emma would catch the significance of each salty feature of the boat.
"Twin screws," he said rapturously.
"What's wrong with one screw?" Emma asked. "Why do we need two of them?"
"Two motors are always better than one, dear."
"Then why don't they put two in automobile?"
"Fighting chairs," continued Chester.
"We can fight just as well standing up," Emma said.
"You don't understand, darling. We fight the fish with these chairs."
"The fish come out of the water to fight?"
"Roomy cabins," continued Chester dreamily. "Outriggers, an enclosed head, flying bridge, electric bilge-"
"Why electrify the bilge?" Emma asked. "Isn't a plain, ordinary bilge good enough?"
"Complete galley, fresh water-"
"Is there any other kind of drinking water?"
"And only used two hours by an old lady, Chester wound up.
"Let's go see it, dear. We don't have to buy it, you know. Besides, it's a nice day for a ride. They'll probably take us out on the bay to demonstrate the boat. What have we got to lose?"
"Four thousand six hundred thirty-two dollars and ninety-nine cents," said Emma Binnacle, more to her cup of coffee than to Chester.
----------STOP---------More tomorrow!
I hope you are enjoying this story so far. It gets really funny as it goes along. If you have ever wanted a boat, had a boat, have a boat, add to that a spouse, or other long term relationship, then you know exactly how this story is playing out. We've all been there. It really has a great comedic slant on the whole boat ownership ordeal.
Have a great rest of the day and I will be back with more Binnacles tomorrow. If you are enjoying this book and would like to buy it, Amazon has a few used copies for sale, (approx. $2.99). It's been out of print for many years so it is a little hard to find, so I will put a link to the book at Amazon, at the end of every post. Since I have bought this book I have lent it to several people and they have all really enjoyed it also.
Click Here for book: Boat and be damned